Monday, 10 November 2014

{9 Months}

We are officially 3/4 of the way through our first year as parents, and Brynn has definitely upped the ante this past month!

When I did the last update I felt like I was grasping at straws for any new tidbits that B was accomplishing. Not so this month! She has been growing in leaps and bounds... literally!

The week of Thanksgiving, Brynn decided to sit her self up, start crawling, and then pull herself up... all within 3 days! We are blown away by how much she changed in just a few days. We are having a hard time keeping up with her now! She crawls around our apartment constantly, getting into everything.

But as much as we might complain... we are secretly loving this stage. She is just so stinkin' hilarious!

She's also saying a few words. She knows Mom, Dad, and bubbye (just ask Grandma K! She was quite excited when Brynn popped that one out over FaceTime :D).

Last, but not least, she also popped a tooth! We waited a long 5 months, and we are happy it's here... although we haven't spotted that pearly white as of yet... B has an overactive tongue and it seems to push in where it's not wanted :D.

With the "official photographer" (me) off to a full-time job and Dad working his buns off a work we haven't had a lot of time to take pictures, but I'll leave you with what we have. Enjoy!

Little Miss Bright-eyes
a common position

climbing up on everything these days!
Brynn and Nana on her 60th birthday :)

Sunday, 2 November 2014

{October} Life Lately

Sorry for the crickets around here lately, people. It seems as though it was just October 1 and then I blinked and, shazam, here we are and it's November 2. Seriously.

October was a great, albeit insanely busy, month.

 For starters, I started not one, but two jobs, in addition to my job at Christian Horizons.  I was hired on by both the Catholic and Public school boards, and of course chaos ensued in the following weeks. Thankfully, things have slowed down a bit now after trying to figure out how to make it all work. I was offered two part-time, long term temp EA jobs at the school closest to my house, making for full-time work until the end of November, with possible extension. So although I will be working quite a few hours, I will at least be at the same place every day, with the same schedule. I am so thankful for how this all worked out!

James has been working extra hard at school, too, and the course load for Semester 3 is tough. Thankfully he loves it and its getting great grades!

So anyway, here's a quick recap of the month of October:

 We took Brynn to a few farms on the Kawartha Farm Tour. She loves animals and kept getting upset when we wouldn't let her put her hand in their mouths. She had a lot of fun watching the horses and the pigs.

 James spent an evening banding Saw-Whet owls... those cute little puffs of feathers! He had a great time (who wouldn't love catching an holding those adorable little creatures?!)

 Brynn had her first leaf pile experience... She didn't really like it very much! Better luck next year!

 The only pictures I took at Thanksgiving this year were of these two stinkers having a bath in Nana and Grandpa's sink. They were super cute!

 Brynn is still teething like crazy, and we are running out of soothing options, so we thought we'd try the old "carrot in the freezer" trick (it didn't work).

 As the Brynnosaur gets bigger and more move-y, we are becoming more creative with constraint ideas. Aren't we geniuses?

 Brynn keeps getting bigger and these kinds of things keep happening...


... and standing!

As life gets busier and crazier every day, I try to be thankfully for all the little blessings we do have. October is always a month of reflection and thanksgiving for me, and this year I have so many things to be thankful for!