Saturday, 27 September 2014

Oxtongue River- Ragged Falls Provincial Park

To celebrate the peak of fall colour season, we headed up to Algonquin Park. Unfortunately, in order to actually get into the park and get a permit, the traffic was backed up for 4 kilometers.

Yes, you read that right.

Instead, we turned around and checked out Oxtongue River- Ragged Falls Provincial Park just down the road... and let's just say, we weren't disappointed! The colours were magnificent, the river was pristine, and the falls were a-roaring! We had a fantastic afternoon and enjoyed what just might have been the best weather of the year so far!

We made some lunch by the river and then took a hike along the river bank. After our hike we stopped at Algonquin Outfitters and drooled over checked out their outdoor gear. Although Brynn was not feeling well, and couldn't keep anything down all day, we (and she) were happy campers and are so thankful that we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world!

Always with the tongue...

“No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face."

[The Autumnal― John DonneThe Complete Poetry and Selected Prose

Thursday, 25 September 2014

September Randoms

Falling asleep on the road, in the sunshine.

Props to Oma for the dress she made almost 30 years ago. 
I think it's classified as "vintage" now.
Am I getting old?

A common scene on the living room floor.

Preachin' to the choir!

Who, me?

Dad's little fish technician.

Monday, 22 September 2014

The LEX 2014

 This past weekend was the Lindsay Exhibition. We spent Saturday enjoying the fair. It was fun to take Brynn and show her the animals. She was quite interested, especially with the goats. I guess it helps that they always get up in your face whenever you go near them :). It was a pretty fun day all around (especially because we enjoyed caramel apples and a beavertail!). The weather was MUCH better than last year too... no sun but at least it wasn't 5 degrees and raining!

Courtesy of the Bowmanville Zoo 

This little one was only 1 day old

Brynn loved the animals- she loved to pet them

The result of our busy day at the fair!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Another First at Ken Reid

Brynn had her first backpack carrier ride today. We've been waiting all summer for her to fit, and we haven't done any hikes because she was too big for the Snuggli, but too small for the carrier. Well... too small, no longer!

She loved her new vantage point too... almost as much as sucking on the headrest in front of her. Ah well, teething is as teething does.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Monday, 8 September 2014

{7 Months}

Brynn has again changed so much in the last month. First thing we've noticed: the girl is a LUG! She keeps getting longer and more solid... maybe she's made of rocks? I've heard that if we kept growing at the rate we do in the first year, we'd be as tall as skyscrapers! Let's be thankful we (and she'll)  low down after a while...

B loves her food... she eats most things with gusto and makes a guttural caveman noise if we aren't giving it to her fast enough. I guess we can be thankful she is a lover of nutrition!

Definitely a lover of nutrition... how many chins is that? 
I've also made the switch from breastfeeding to formula in the last week or so. I am heading back to work once or twice a week and the pumping wasn't going so well, so it just had to be done. I had mixed feelings about it, but apparently Brynn did not. One look at that bottle and she was happy as a clam to never nurse again. She has had no trouble switching over, and to be honest, I think she may have been hungry while nursing and I never knew... I've noticed that her skin is less dry and she is sleeping better. Oops?!?

Month 7 also meant sleep-training. I had made a bad habit of nursing her to sleep (see HERE), so we nipped that in the bud and now she goes down to sleep so easily! It helps us that when she is tired, she turns into what we call the Brynnosaurus... a roaring, clawing, gnawing dinosaur. Thankfully, though, a little food and a lot of sleep gives us back our happy, smiley baby.

A favourite activity lately... picking and eating grass
Speaking of smiley... the girl still has no teeth. To all of you to whom I said, "She'll have teeth any day now" back in June: I take it back. The teething comes and goes... well, mostly goes. We are still impatiently waiting for those teeth to come through. I am sure it will be any day now... (haha!)

Lastly, I want to talk about the goof's personality. She is smart as a whip and makes us laugh every day with her antics. She doesn't miss a beat. She's learned that if she laughs we will most likely laugh too, so she's perfected the fake chortle (she's also tried out the fake cry, but that doesn't get her too far!). She loves her dad and bursts into giggles at the sight of him. She loves playing peekaboo with us and rolling around while we tickle her. She is starting to move quick and can get around by wiggling, rolling and squirming, although no crawling yet!

I can't believe she's seven months old already!

Saturday, 6 September 2014

It Starts....

We turned around for a second and...

...she had wiggled and squirmed her way under the couch.

Let the madness of movement begin!