Summer is full-blown over here in Lindsay and we are enjoying it to the max! I am continuously in awe of the great country we live in and how beautiful it is. We've had the opportunity to get out a few times and enjoy some of the "culture" of our area. First off, a walk at our favourite local conservation area,
Ken Reid:
For a weed, you're alright, milkweed! |
Examining local flora |
Ribfest in Peterborough:
The lines were long, but oh-so worth it! |
And, Music in the Park, at Victoria Park in Lindsay:
We're only half way through, but we are having a great month so far. I also participated in Kidz Kamp at my church last week. It was busy but I had an amazing time! I was a leader for the Grade 5/6 Next Level camp, where we learned about taking our Christian faith from ho-hum level 1, to a biblical, active level. The kids were awesome (and loud) and I am certain everyone had a fantastic time! Brynn spent 3.5 hours every day in the nursery too, which was good practice for Saturday when I go back to CH for my first shift (eeep!). My mom came to visit for a couple days, too. While she was here, I scored a couple of Kijiji finds that I'm pretty excited about:

The carseat was a necessary find, since our current seat expires at the beginning of August. It only cost $30 and is in great condition, so, good, obviously. The sleep sack, however, made me really excited. I needed something for Brynn for camping in a couple of weeks, so when I saw this for five bucks on Kijiji I figured it would be a cheap way to keep her warm. When I picked it up, I saw that it is really good quality, so I checked out the brand online. Turns out these sleep sacks are made with real goose down, and sell for 170 dollars each. Score?! So yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself, haha!
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.- John Lubbock